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I will wait for the pregnancy patch and if I am satisfied I will not hesitate to support it.


While it likely won't be in the next 2 patches, I'm planning to implement an extensive pregnancy system for all the main girls, so please look forward to it ^^

I will wait and I can't wait to see what the game has in store for us ^


New Update let's gooo!!!
Amazing work Dagotto, i love every aspect of this game, the characters are lovely and you can see a very big jump in your drawing quality update after update.
The warmth of the characters, the world and the gameplay really makes me feel like I'm part of the game <3
I am very excited to see how far the game can go, keep up the great work and never give up!, the quality of this work is beautiful


Thank you for the support! :D


Did you abandon the game?


I can assure you the game is not abandoned! The holiday season slowed down production a little bit, but the next patch is coming soon.

If you want a more accurate number, the percentages for the next patch can be found here:


New Update is Looking Awesome!! ^.^ Can't Wait!


im here to jerk off not cry to a fucking storyline bruh. Alice best girl, fuck you fight me


Legend x'D


Question what legendary Monster girls being have we not considered yet cause I just think 🤔 maybe a nurse mummy girl or a phonics mystic healer girl


How do you increase your dexterity besides buying the book from Sonia?

Deleted 2 years ago

thanks 👍


Any news on the next release.

The 20th, roughly... Dagotto is active on his Discord...

keep getting errors that tell me to either rollback or ignore.... can't access the map either.


I got errors until I went back to the room and clicked the blue-disk icon that popped up in the upper right corner of the screen.

(1 edit)

thnx m8.... unfortunatley that didn't work for me

Did you report the bug on Discord?

pretty sure but id have to check


Just think about when the kids are born they could be a great asset to your inn for room's service and maintenance


Does anyone else agree on this with me?


Not really.

I think those roles would belong to new characters.


Dude think about the old saying thou that are taught will gain experience from a young age


Any extra hands in the inn would be best used for additional slaves or new characters, as that's what people are playing the game for.

Doesn't make any sense to switch focus to any offspring, less so when some people won't even want them.

well I say it should be optional for the players 

What is the name of the background music with the mellow acoustic guitar in the evening? If it's your own music, would you please let me download it?

Deleted 2 years ago

If I were you I would be very careful using this music or distributing it unless you are certain your license permits it. The music industry can be gigantic assholes, and they love abusing copyright law.

Fair enough. I have the license to use it commercially, but not distribute I guess.


I wonder who the next section of the story be focused on? Sonia or Ritsuki


The gnome girl is what was stated would be expanded on.

Will there be any sex scenes with Kirana?


In this next update? At least 3 ;)


question will there be option to let charlie dominate if futa is enable in the future?


Hell no that would kill the MC off like Game Over ☠️💀


I can't seem to unlock the last vera scene. I've talked to her numerous times as per what t one book says after she works the bar and I've finished her story so idk if that's the issue or if I'm still missing something

Make sure you're asking her to work the bar at time slot 4 ("night"), then go back at time slot 5 ("late night"). She should still be behind the bar counter and you will get a scene when you talk to her ^^

okay so she doesn't appear at the bar for me though. I have told her to autowork the bar as that is the only place I can find to tell her to work at the bar and she doesn't appear there for me at all. But then I get the message that she worked at the bar and she appears at her room. I'm playing On Android the version 045 apk not the 04b I can try and get SS to show just and make sure in I'm the right area/time

Ah, yes, the scene doesn't happen if you have her just auto tending the bar. When you're on the "night" time slot, click on the bottles above the bar itself, and you will get a prompt asking who should tend the bar. Once you say Vera, you should see her behind the bar, then just come back on the next time slot, and she should still be there.


Ah okay will give they a try then thank you!


i’m struggling to find a way to upgrade my dexterity i’ve already used the magic book in sonia’s store but i need more to fix julia’s doll

If you talk to the gnomish tinker (farthest left door on main street) you can practice working with your hands to increase your dexterity ^^


Gotta ask when does pregnancy will be finally added?

I'm planning to start adding it in the next 3 patches, please look forward to it!

Will the content be optional or unavoidable?

Optional. I'm planning to make all content beyond vanilla stuff as optional for the player.

If it optional then could you make a nursery early in the game?


I swear that little minx is taunting me, Rei must be taught a lesson with some cough cough rough handling


In time, she will definitely learn her lesson >:)


YUSH, something more to look forward to!  I got to say, thank you so much for having a centaur in your game and a lamia/naga.  I love fantasy creatures and those two are my absolute favorite species.  Your my hero


If we are thinking about a Doppelganger then what about a Spider-Girl or a Cyclops or zombie or a mermaid or a headless horsewoman, a treewoman it the same with Monster Musume is it not ?


Eventually, I'd like to have all of those types of monster girls in the game, but likely they won't all be main characters. They should have adult scenes at least, though.

May I ask when the opportunity to get the characters pregnancy n babies are available ? 

Cause I would love to see the main character children helping out the inn

I'm not sure exactly when the pregnancy content is going to be added. I'd like to possibly have it in 0.07, but I can't guarantee it will be in.


What about a Doppelgänger Charakter like Doppel from the Anime Monster Musume or the Monster Girl Encyclopedia ( Page 171)

Maybe as an option to include types of monster girls which are just included for one or two h-scenes without having to write a whole personality for them.

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i keep getting an error every time i try to get past talking to the orc and i even have the current version downloaded 

Huh, that is quite unusual. Would it be possible to post a screenshot or copy/paste the error message you are getting?

(1 edit)

Ignore the roblox they have certain games that are good

That looks like an issue with the save upgrade system. Did you select the correct version for the upgrade?

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I been thinking about when we have the main character first child and where to put them so I thought perhaps the next update should be able to get a nursery made or something? Does anyone have a better idea where to keep the younglings in the tarvan for the time being or do you agree on have a nursery set up in the game?

It'll probably be an add-on to the tavern or some other location(s) if actual birth outside of endings are even planned rather than just having pregnant characters.

Since pregnancy itself is "planned" but not yet available, I doubt any such nurseries are going to come before any characters have actually been fleshed out and developed.

Pregnancy is definitely high on my list of things to add, but as you say, I'd like to have the characters get a little more content before you knock them up.

So what should I expect in the next update

There will be more info in a coming devlog, but expect new shops, Kirana's intial storyline, several new characters, and continuation of scenes for some of the residents of the Inn.

Ok if I was to guess how many days what is the reasonable time wait for the next update?


I have some trouble getting the third s*x scene with Vera. I did talk to her at night after she finished tending the bar but nothing else happened after the conversation. What am I supposed to do to get the third s*x scene? 


On the topic of slaves. Would there be enough slave characters to "help" with each of the "harem" jobs like the library, market, or other places. That could help solidify any relationships throughout the harem while helping build money. Along with helping out the town down the road of the story. 


Would there be any "trap" monster girls in the future. Possibly the kind that could get pregnant? Multiple trap characters sound interesting. Especially with the low amount of men/male gendered people. Maybe an Omegaverse type of trap character that could still be male as a whole (sperm that can impregnate) but be an Omega of sorts? Perhaps the Goddess decided to bring in these types of males in the past due to a reverse situation. I am curious as to how many gender types are in the Canon of the world. Could the MC get a little lesson after a certain point. Is the Goddess willing to create more in order to keep her people happy and safe?


you have some weird fetishes

i got a new computer and lost my save

Just take your sd drive from the original computer and either add it to your new computer or move your files to the new sd drive

Where can I find a gnome? I went around all the locations and can't find him for the quest with Sasha

Have you try checking the first building to the left where the slaver store is?

She is in the building in town on the left.

No real content for her yet.

question who can be futa in this game coz screenshots don't show who it could be so i wonder

Charlie has optional futa content. It can be turned on or off by a decision you get before her first naughty scene

I can only speculate but is okay to share ideas to people to make game however is it possible to be friend themas mates or is it not allowed here?

If you'd like to make any suggestions or share ideas, feel free to do it here or on the Discord, I'm always happy to listen to people's ideas.

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I was thinking about a sex scene with a dragon girl or spider woman both have benefit's such as instant laundry repairs , quilting fabric,  Hot foods n material etc... As for their names longatina and rose for hiring for a cook and repairs maiden 

How long does it take to test an update?

Oy please be patient he said it may take a while

(1 edit)

Thanks for the response. When I was referring to the slave route I was referring to if there were other slaves/servant type(s) (class/hierarchy/etc. system) in the future planned that way the choice near the beginning would be for that kind of route in general. Will there be other slaves or just that character so it does not bloat up the harem list? As far as the Feral type of character I think they should still be somewhat wild-ish in were they live. Maybe they live with the MC but still roam around and are still confused as a beast at times. A personal inspiration for this idea comes from the mangaka "Takatuki Nato (Sokomono Suisou)." The type that actually talks in some way.  Drawn in an Original way if you can or something that is easy for you but still unique.

Ah, I see. At least one more slave is solidly planned for the future, after that I'm not entirely sure. There will most likely be interactions between the slaves as well.
For a feral type character, I hadn't thought about it, but it does sound interesting. I'll have to take a look at that manga. Thanks for the suggestions!

Can the next slave girl be a bug girl like a bee,ant,etc...🤩

An insect girl is indeed on the way ;)


(1 edit) (+1)

One Question: Would it be an option to implement a little progress bar on your Patreon Page where a percentage number and a small status update like for example " 10% -writing the script", "40% -animating the new h scenes" "90% -waiting for the report of the alpha testers" indicate the status of the next update? Something like for example F.Lord is doing ( ). This would make waiting for the next update more transparent and would result in less questions about the status of the new update.

Sorry for any bad Englisch since it is not my first Language

I all ready told U patreon doesn't for some people here It said pay to get to play

But you can always visit patreon without having to pay just for looking at the creators pages. You dont have to buy a membership to see public posts.


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Go to, click on the three lines in the top left corner, click on search creator. Type in the creators name (for example Dagotto) and click on the right one in the list. Once on the creators patreon page scroll down untill you see "About Dagotto". Bottom left is a little blue text named "show more. Press it and you can read all information about this creator. Scroll further down and you will see "recent posts by Dagotto" any post with a little lock on the right side above the headline is for patreon members only but every other post is available for everyone.

Is for you to say my screen said error 5

Probably a good idea. I'll see if I can make a status report for the next big update. ^^

That would be nice, thx :)

Is there any update on the latest version?

The newest patch is in bug-testing, so as soon as I get it back from my alpha testers, I'll start the releasing process.

Ok can you please let me know when it available to download thanks

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The disposition of the places inthe map looks like Brazil

Hey U right man that does look like Brazil 😀

Some characters are still not appearing in places, despite their icon showing up beside those areas, latest 0.04b.  Maria doesn't show up in at least two of her areas - town and the park area.

wtf do ntr and cockuld mean?

Basically, in this game, the love interests will never cheat on or be stolen from the player character.


"While loading < object ('maria_bed_night_background.webp') at 0xb8582310>:

OSError: Couldn't find file 'maria_bed_night_background.web"

How to fix this?

If you are on Mac, download and extract this into your game folder

If you are using PC, this should fix it if you extract it into the game folder

I'm playn' on android, can i still uusing that stuff?

Unfortunately, I believe you can't put more files into an APK on android. However, the current android download on the page has this bug fixed.

I'm so tanfull, pls never put NTR in the game, me and the boys have trauma

(1 edit) (+2)

Never ever ever will there be NTR in this game, so no worries

Kkkkkk o comentario debaixo e muito bom, não tankei. Achei o jogo muito bom, não encontrei nenhum bug, e ele tem um ótimo desenvolvimento da historia.


Jesus Christ Titans66 leave that poor man alone and let him do his work. He said 7-10 days so why would you go on his nerves after 3 days again?


Hey I'm just being polite here U r the one being rude here but find I will wait other 7-10days to satisfy U


Also I've waited for eleven days so back off fernesEcho



I'm glad someone finds it funny around here

There is nothing funny about it.

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