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Any idea when the preg content will be releasedt worked on?

Probably in the far future


Ojalá no pese tanto el juego en la próxima actualización 


I just love the game, thank you Dagotto for creating this. I just had one problem playing on android, the two scenes of Maria lying on her side crashed the game tow times each before I could get through them.

I have made it quite far in the game however the position you unlocked with alice after you finish the story I can not figure out same with one for maria it says to talk with them in their rooms for a new position and I have tried that but its not working

For Alice, you should get the new scene if you ask her to do doggy style in her room after you officially begin a relationship with her.

As for Maria, there's a bug in the current version. If you've used a transformation potion on her, it technically locks you out of the non-transformed version of the scene (it's essentially the same scene, just without the transformation). If you really want to get it for completion sake, you can talk to Rei (your fairy guide) and ask her to enable the content filter. That will let you get the normal version of the scene, and you can disable the content filter again when you're done.

(1 edit)

I have doggystyle, cowgirl, and futa handjob unlocked theres one I'm missing and I keep trying the hint but it won't work for alice

Hey, is there any chance of a "Holiday Episode" DLC? I'd kind of like to dress up as Santa and deliver presents to our beloved Calf-girl! (Who is DEFINITELY nice! Not that there's anything wrong with being "naughty"!) >;3

Also, the idea of dressing our gnomish inventor and the flat-chested Elf up as XXX-mASS 'elfs' and our Goblin rogue up as "The Goblin Wench who 'stole' XXX-mASS", and giving our Chivalrous Centauress a big, beautiful rack... of antlers and a big red nose (enchanted to light up!) is just WAY too damn fun of an idea not to go for it! Also, SNOW DOG GIRL! AWOO!!! >^)_(^<

(Sorry, I think I drank to many Holiday Spirits again!) XD

LOL! But seriously, hmm... Like, the Calf-Girl's school is putting on a holiday play that is "suspiciously similar" (WINK!) to a story aboot a green guy stealing a holiday, and she's got the role of the little girl MC. (You know WHO I'm talking aboot!) but the thing is, everyone ELSE in the play gets sick, (darn holiday season sicknesses!), so she has to ask YOU and your "friends" for help. Well, it's time to pull of my pants... wait... LET ME TRY THAT AGAIN! (AHEM!) It's time to pull off a XXX-mASS miracle, because "THE SHOW MUST GO ON!" ...and because she's got her heart set on it!

Cue epic holiday play quest including backstage hanky panky and TONS of "Holiday Cheering" from the local ladies for our Leading Man... YOU!

Hell, it might even be a good way to get our OTHER little green lass into the story! Because hey, why not make it all legitimately magical, eh? ^o^y

Of course, maybe it was "All just a dream"... a dream they all shared!

(Except the Calf-Girl didn't see the NAUGHTY parts cus she's NICE!) >;P

NOTE: Sorry, I'm using descriptors instead of names for ease of reference.



(Hmm... what if... the Calf-Girl... was... "HOME ALONE!") LOL! XD

(I can just imagine her absolutely WRECKING 2 dumb grinches!) XD

Calf-Girl: "YOU CAN'T MESS WITH KIDS ON XXX-mASS!" (Smug Smile!)

Dumbassed Grinchlings (TM): "WE SURRENDER! WE SURRENDER!!!" DX

(Man, I should really lay off the Holiday Spirits... But I had fun with this!) XD


I would love to do holiday events for the game (maybe something small, a single event featuring a few of the girls or something similar), but I'm just neck deep in the current update right now. Hopefully next year when I have all the new systems smoothed out, I can do fun holiday stuff like that ^^

Again, not asking for loli content (I'm good with gnomes & goblins!) but perhaps a "Help with the schoolkids holiday play" quest

 (optionally 100% wholesome/SFW, and NSFW stuff happening between the adults 'behind the scenes' such as a bunch of holiday quickies, maybe you'd NEED to max your stats to pull it all off?) 

where it's just one day of prep-work and one night of SHOWTIME! 

(Think that x-mas play episode from MLP:FIM or similar, or perhaps that Flintstones X-mas Carol movie from way back?)

and perhaps depending on if you go wholesome, you get the "Nice!" Quest result (gifts for everyone! YAY!) or if you go the NSFW route, you get the "Naughty!" Quest result, where the MC gets a box of candy-cane condoms, and the girl(s) he was "naughty" with get North-Pole Dildo(s). And either way, they kids are happy!

This is just ideas I'm freely giving, food for thought as it were.

I just think it'd be a fun & festive thing, plus, there's GOT to be other kids in their village, right? I mean, the lack of men makes sense, but only a few kids, no babies? No wonder the calf-girl is so lonely. Maybe this quest could get her some friends, maybe help her, ya know, heal? Like Eri from MHA, help her smile again?

...Okay, now I wanna draw her & eri playing in the park together!


(I just like the Farm Fam, ya know? They're good characters.)

Now, please excuse me whilst I go eat burgers in secret & shame.


Happy Holidays Everyone, and again, thanks Dagotto, you rock!


loved this game just wish there was some voice acting or any kind of audio during the animated scenes

It is definitely on my list for the future ^^

That's awesome and thanks for the reply


I finished playing this, I really liked it

Deleted post

Try talking to the general store shopkeeper (the harpy), you should see a new option.

Will there be different skin color for the mc because I would love to be green


I REALLY like Sacha, I NEED more Sacha content.


Well, if you've been a good little perv, I'm sure SantaMonica Clussy will bring you plenty of Sacha cuntent for XXX-mASS! Remember, you can be NAUGHTY whilst still being NICE as long as your GOOD, mmmkay?

So don't worry Admin-Sama, I'm sure your get to scratch that!

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah, it gave a little warning to save beforehand, if you pick to have sex anyway, then you cut off her route currently. I'm pretty sure that's being removed in future, so that hopefully there won't be any characters that could be cut off from making wrong decisions in their story etc.

so if you want to continue Her story, have to load back before you picked to have sex with Her

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah if you have sex with her when she is offering it oddly, she will feel like she is just seen as a tool for sex & the MC doesn't see her as a romantic partner.


are you thinking about adding moaning during sex and adding pubic hair? If everything is clear with the first one, then why not make a choice to leave the hair or not, this would add interactivity and make the pubic hair thick.


I would definitely like to add both of this things to the game.
I can't give a time frame on the moaning, as I would need to find voice actors, but I'd like to add in pubic hair sometime in the next few patches. Probably have an option where you can ask a girl to either shave, trim, or just let it grow naturally.


I support hairy pitts and hairy puss! I AM A BUSH MAN!

(Although, in regards to some girls, it's furry, not hairy!)

As for the moaning, a solid work around would be to use free use SFX.

And for the beast babes, you could go the gag route and have 'em use animals sfx.

I wouldn't mind making Maria Neigh her head off, & who doesn't love a good moo?

Here's a SFW(?) Youtube vid showing what it could be like for Maria.


I just realized that my beloved and her daughter are cowfolk.

Do I have to stop eating beef? Must I give up Hamburgers now?

Should I... move to Calcutta? (Breaks down into existential crisis.)

Ones things for sure: The Burger King ain't getting near my loved ones!

(Cocks my Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40-Watt Range to full bore.)

Cumming to theaters summer 2069: TAKEN! Dhalsim VS The Hamburgler.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sharks eat smaller fish, some IRL cultures eat smaller primates

You don't have to start eating grass or anything. The difference between cows and cowfolk is that one has personhood and the other doesn't.

Hmm, good point, good point... But still, I think I'll leave the steak for my dudes nights out from now on, just to be sure, yeah?

Still though, ain't no damn burger joints moovin' in on mah family! (Powers up my Iron-Bull Power Armor with Repulsor Hooves)

I! AM! IRON-BULL! DA! DA! DA-DA-DAN! DUN-NUN-NUN-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA!!!!! (Maria is Centauress War Machine Maiden!)

Deleted 1 year ago

If you've already chatted with her once or twice, you should be able to trigger her next scene by going to either the lobby or the stairway in the first time slot of a new day. That should flag the event to start.


I need more breast expansion in the game and maybe more scenes with that small fairy lady because l really like her. I also really like are slave and l hope we see more content for her, but besides that l love the game and l can't wait to see how the game ends

(1 edit)

The game is enjoyable, but there were a few bugs. One after accepting Alice's first request and another if you make Maria a futanari too soon. I played this on linux, so I do not know if it works on windows.


Very good! The animation was enjoyable and the girls are beautiful and have good personalities and stories. I can't wait to see more, I also hope that potions will be able to affect more of the girls in the future, I very much enjoyed it

who can you use the breast potions on

You can use the breast size change potions once you have finished Vera's content. Talk to her in her room in with the potion in your inventory and select "Requests"


Will we have the option to be with Rei in a biblical sense? I mean, honestly this game is fucking fire without that, but she's a really cute tsundere-esque gal, with the bored and angry aspect actually feeling genuine, which is rare, so I mean... that'd be fun. That sentence really got away from me. Anyway, I have never left a comment before on any hgames I play. This one is just really well done and I really want that to be an option, unless it doesn't go along with your vision for the game lol

As a fellow writer, keep up the good work. This is really well done.

(1 edit) (+3)

I can't say too much without spoiling a lot of future story content, but I will just say that Rei will be heavily involved in the main story that is coming up ;)


Happy to hear it!

I like our Tsun-Tsun Carbuncle-Chan!


Ooh, that does sound very exciting. When the new update comes out, I'll be here playing it. I'm also considering subbing to you on patreon once I get in a better financial situation.


Dagotto, as much as we'd love a new release ssooner, be sure to take the time to enjoy the holiday season, okay? Safely & responsibly, of course!

(I give you a ton of condoms and a get out of jail free card as presents) >;}


Roger that haha

But I want to get this into you guy's hands as soon as possible as well. Excited to see what people think about it. But I'll make sure not to push myself too hard ^^


Rock on Dagotto, Happy Holidays!


I can't unlock Maria's final scene. I tried following the book's hint but no matter how many times I talk to her in her room it doesn't give new dialogue. Did I do something wrong?

There's a bug in this version of the game. If you've given her a transformative potion, it locks off the non-transformed version of the scene by accident. It's pretty much the same scene as the transformed version.

If you want it for completion's sake, talk to Rei (the fairy) and turn on the "disable content" filter for that transformation. You can get the scene, then re-enable to the content to get back to where you were.


Thanks, big help!

sometimes I still get a little confused on the whole 0.051 0r 0.6 versions

How complete is this? if this is very beginning, then I'm unsure if I want o already  start.

It has a decent amount of content, but I would honestly wait until the next release.

The next release will drastically alter the game, and the saves from previous versions won't work. The next patch will hopefully be released in the next month or so, and would be worth waiting for in my opinion ^^

Hey uhm do you use the app? I heard somewhere it's buggy and stuff. Are there many moderators or something on

I'm kind of new on the site.


im just gonna leave this here

hope it helps

Ive run into this bug too on occasion. But can't always seem to reproduce.


It says that I fucked up with Alice and I don't know what to do


Please remember, you can't "un-fuck" a bitch, bruh.

You are up el creeko del mierde amigo, now vamanos!

But seriously, reload an older save or start over, you are perma-fucked.

You're supposed to NOT fuck her that time, but wait until later.

If you do fuck her, it's an endless loop of her running away from you.

That's why you should save whenever the game gives you a warning.

Also, save frequently, and in different slots, it's time-honored advice.

Also, if you wait, she will eventually offer up her anal virginity to you.

Incentive enough to make a man wait? Why yes, I should think so! >;P

(Sorry if I'm being brusque, I'm freezing my ballz off in Gnome ATM!)


Thank you, and yes the anal is worth it


you cant progress with her story and she wont talk with you indefinetely. You cant fix it.

Hello! Enjoying the game so far, however, one day, Beth stopped appearing at her stall and does not appear anywhere else. Is this normal?

Swing by her house in the evening for dinner

How do l use the breast expansion and breast deflation and futa growth potions 


I'm pretty sure you have to reach a high enough relationship level with the specific girl before you can offer it to them. Breasts are Vera, not sure which ones are for the others (I think Maybe Alice)

Breast are for vera and U can use twice while futa is Alice and Maria although there is a glitch if U use the futa potion on Maria



Can you please add more futa options?


How to enlarge tirrias breasts, i have the breast enlargement potion but the option won't show up


The potion doesn't work on Tirria. If you ask the apothecary about it, she explains the reason. At the moment, the only girl the potion works on is Vera.

Oh ok thank you

Just asking out of sheer curiosity because it suddenly struck me as I read your reply, but I'm asking, and mean no offense: What if you "accidentally" (legit in-universe, but a player's choice IRL) left out the bib boobz potion (TM) and the little loli cowgirl drank it? Would a potion like that be SUPER EFFECTIVE on cowgirls? I'm not asking for Loli content, legit curious. Also, it'd be hilarious if her mom and "sis" got pissed at your character thinking he WAS trying to go for the loli content. LOL cue cowmama going full raging bullmama on your MC ass! XD

(I'm sorry, I like Cathyl from Monmusu, and I've been to rodeo's so, yeah!) ^~^y

If you like this idea, go ahead and use it! Also, it'd be funny if the elf girl saw the cowloli after the accident and got jealous and started whacking you 'angry anime girl style' (TM) shouting "YOU'LL MAKE A LITTLE GIRLS BOOBS BIGGER BUT NOT MINE! YOU JACKASSHOLE!" (Cue angry elven tirade that doesn't translate.)

Dude, come to think of it, you could have a LOT of fun with "Potion accidents"! >;P

If you want to use ANY of these "PA" (TM) ideas, go right ahead dude! My gift to ya!

And again, not asking for LoliContent, I just thought it'd lead to hilarious situations.

Anyways, thanks again for this awesome game, and happy holidays!

(BTW, anyone ever draw the Cow-Chan Clan being visited by MC Santa Clause?)


Nice game


Hello i'id like to inform theres a bug on the elves (ugh i forgot her name again) on the chat that makes me cannot enter her dialogue (on the image bellow), and i want to asking how to get the last memory with vera? Iam playing on android fyi

Thank you

Thank for reporting the bug, I'll make sure it's fixed for the next release.

As for Vera's scene:

You need to manually tell her to work the bar (click on the bar and have Vera work there) during early night (time slot 4). Then either do something or skip time to late night (time slot 5). Then go to the bar and she should be behind the bar, talk to her to trigger the scene ^^

Thanks,i will waiting for the next update


Will the main story introduce pregnancy any time soon?


Pregnancy won't be tied to the main story, but will start to be introduced in the next few patches at some point ^^


Yay! Been looking forward to it.

It's been 123 days since the last update and I would love to help work on this game man

I'm sorry if you get asked this alot but can you make Rei a romantic option?

She will be...involved later in the main story once it's implemented.


Thanks for the reply, honestly didn't expect one. You've made a great game that I can't wait to see get even better


Im quite enjoying the game actually. Keep up the good work 

I Really Like this Game ^.^ EHEH!

Who can fix Julia's doll? I asked a few girls and then the option to ask disappeared.

Try talking to the general store shopkeeper (the harpy), after a short conversation, talking to her again should give you the option to attempt to fix the doll.

Good game

how do i build the chainsaw. every time i try to build it, the game says that dexterity failed. i have full dexterity.


Eh I'm so glad futa isn't required content.

There are just too many of them lately(which is very frustrating).

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